Nugget’s Revenge

Nugget’s Revenge

Project type: 1st senester university project

Made: September 2011

My fields: Game design, Level design, Programming, Audio

Time spent on this project: 3 weeks (including written report)

Tools used: Game Maker Lite 8.1, PhotoShop CS5, GIMP 2.6, Ableton Live, Guitar Pro 5, Sonar X1

DOWNLOAD: Nugget’s Revenge

About this project:

Nugget’s family was stolen from him. Now he is angry and wants revenge!

During my first year at the university education Medialogy, my group and I were asked to make a game using Game Maker. This was our very first project, with the theme Creative Play & Applied Technology, and we had approximately three weeks to develop a game and write a report (20 pages) as well as a process analysis about our experiences.

The requirements for the game were that it consisted of the following elements:

  • A farmer
  • Four types of animals: cattle, pork, sheep and chickens
  • Some enemies of our own choice

We decided to make a platform game with inspiration from titles such as Super Mario Bros. and Super Meat Boy. The end result, Nugget’s Revenge, is a game about a small chicken who’s family is snatched by an evil farmer. Now it’s up to Nugget to save his family and save the day!

Although we had three weeks for the project, not all of the time was spent on developing the game. First of all, only a few of the group members (including myself) had prior experience with using Game Maker. Therefore the first few days were spent on learning the tool. Secondly, we had to deliver a written report in about 20 pages (Danish). In this we had to describe our game’s design, implementation and argue why/why not we had chosen as we did.

The game was nominated third in Best Visuals and third in Best Game.

Almost all of the graphics and sound files were made from scratch.

Gustav Dahl
Henrik Nørbygaard
Maja Kathrine Lundholm Larsen
Nadia Adolphsen
Peter Bøgh Andreasen
Tobias Winkel