LED’s Sushi
Project type: Nordic Game Jam 2017
Made: April 2017
My fields: Programming, Design
Time spent on this project: 48 hours
Tools used: Unity 5.4, Arduino
LED’s Sushi
About this project:
Co-operative rhythm game with an LED conveyor belt going around the monitor.
During Nordic Game Jam 2017, under the theme “not there”, we developed a co-op game using an Arduino-powered LED strip. LED’s Sushi is a simple rhythm-like game where one player looks at the monitor and takes and places orders on a conveyor belt. These orders are then sent to the other player for processing using a physical LED strip (placed on the other side of a laptop monitor). The two players have to communicate in order to fulfill the orders.
Aidan Musnitzky
Daniele Piscitello
Gustav Dahl
Razvan Paisa
Tobias Elung Stenderup