

Project type: Nordic Game Jam 2012

Made: January 2012

My fields: Game design, Programming

Time spent on this project: 48 hours

Tools used: Unity 3.5, 3ds Max, Visual Studio Express 2010, Photoshop CS5, Audacity

DOWNLOAD: Shapeless

About this project:

Co-op game where you only control 1/4 of the shape’s movement. Communication is key to explore the mysterious environment.

This game was developed during Nordic Game Jam 2012.

Shapeless is a co-op explorer game for four people and is controlled by four keys. All the players are connected to each other and can either move outward (pressing down) or inward (releasing the button).

The players have one dedicated button each (A, E, Y, L), and they have to coordinate their actions to move the shape around. Combining each player’s movements will form various beautiful shapes.

Anders Østergaard
Gustav Dahl
Jonathan Van Hove
Lars Bindslev
Mads Johansen
Mathias Johns Toustrup