Swing Pong
Project type: Published Android app
Made: August 2015
My fields: Game design, Testing, Marketing
Time spent on this project: 1 month
Tools used: Unity 5
Swing Pong
About this project:
Imagine if Tarzan played Pong!
Swing Pong is local multiplayer game for Android smartphones and tablets. Like in the classic game of Pong, players have to shoot the ball back and forth. But unlike the original game, players in Swing Pong don’t directly smash the ball themselves, but instead have to create a trail behind them while swinging. This wall will make the ball bounce around, so players have to both be quick and strategic of where they place their trails.
Benjamin Nicholas Overgaard
Gustav Dahl
Lasse Von Fintel Sostack
Mathias Klitgaard Berthelsen
Philip Hundevad Nymann